The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 02:53 PM 11/10/2010, Matt wrote:
>I found it to be somewhat of a satirical mockumentary. I'm not sure 
>if that was their intention starting out, but that's how it came together imo.

I had a somewhat similar reaction.  It's been a long time since I 
watched it but I vaguely recall finding it pretty funny, but mixed 
with some unease because it was impossible to tell whether the 
investigators were as goofy as they appeared to be or if they were 
just putting on for the camera - following a very loose script.

And I seem to remember it lacked any kind of satisfying ending.  Sort 
of like watching an old Gilda Radner "Emily Litella" piece on the 
1970's Saturday Night Live program's Weekend Update segment where she 
goes through a long sequence of impassioned misunderstandings which 
always rapped up with "Oh!  Well, that's very different.... Never mind."

In the Internet age I'd think they would have had to be willfully 
ignorant to know as little as they seemed to about Baha'is, while 
still knowing things that most Baha'is weren't even aware of.

The biggest problem I had with it, though, is that I never felt I 
could share it with anyone because I'm afraid most Baha'is wouldn't 
recognize the humor.  (Or, perhaps I should say they might feel it 
wasn't at all funny.  Maybe horrifying?)

Kind of a minor, if guilty, pleasure - maybe a little along the lines 
of the movie: "The Gods Must Be Crazy".

John B.

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