The Baha'i Studies Listserv
As I remember, she was the focus of a group who tho't she should proclaim 
herself the successor to Siyyid Kazim, just as there were around several other 
of his leading followers.  Most of them ultimately became not only Babi's but 
Letters of the Living.  The most notable exception being Karim Khan Kirmani, 
who had, I believe, already left town and established himself in Kirman.  

There was also a web page or blog at one time dedicated to Tahirih, which as I 
remember is or was reminiscent of the devotion Catholics give to their saints.  
I think Qurratis/Ayanis might have been applied to that page.  

But none of this justifies a claim that she has been the focus of a 
contemporary religion, denomination or sect.  

Don C

On Dec 12, 2012, at 2:17 11PM, Susan Maneck wrote:

> In a way Tahirih was the successor of Siyyid Kazim Rashti. She moved
> into his house after his passing and taught classes in his home. But
> there is no sect centered around her.

It doesn't matter whether the sun shines if you never go outside.

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