The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Dean,

It seems that `Abdu'l-Bahá states that the soul نَفْسْ (nafs) of the 
Manifestation of God has a beginning.

I think you are talking about the third station or the station of theophany 
which is called the Logos, Word of God, Holy Spirit, etc.

The Holy Spirit works through Them, we common humans could develop only the 
spirit of faith reflecting as mirrors the Light of Bahá'u'lláh.

I heard talks of Mr. Adib Taherzadeh and Hooper Dunbar when they say "there is 
a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh" about the preexistence of the souls of the 
Manifestations, so Their souls have no beginning.



 De: Dean Betts <>
Para: Baha'i Studies <> 
Enviado: Viernes, 4 de enero, 2013 8:47 P.M.
Asunto: Re: looking for a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh where...

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
But, Hasan, what about the following sentence from the quote which I 
presented?  It explicitly states that the soul of the prophet 
(manefestation) has no beginning or ending.
"Therefore, the reality of prophethood, which is the Word of God and the 
perfect state of manifestation, did not have any beginning and 
will not have any end; its rising is different from all others and is like 
that of the sun." 
----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Hasan  Elías 
>To: Baha'i Studies 
>Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 8:19  PM
>Subject: Re: looking for a Tablet of  Bahá'u'lláh where...
>The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>Hi Dean,
>Thanks  for the searching. The quote that you mentioned is about the "third  
>In  SAQ page 69 we found that the soul of the Manifestation of God is the 
>rational  soul it has a beginning: "Then it is evident that the Manifestations 
>possess  three conditions: the physical condition, the condition of the 
>rational soul,  and the condition of the divine appearance and heavenly 
>splendor. The physical  condition will certainly become decomposed, but the 
>condition of the rational  soul, though it has a beginning, has no end: nay, 
>it is endowed with  everlasting life".
>But  in page 70 we found that the soul of Manifestation not a simple "rational 
> human soul" is different, but it is not clear that it has a beginning or  not:
>"But  the individual reality of the Manifestations of God is a holy reality, 
>and for  that reason it is sanctified and, in that which concerns its nature 
>and  quality, is distinguished from all other things. It is like the sun, 
>which by  its essential nature produces light and cannot be compared to the 
>moon, just  as the particles that compose the globe of the sun cannot be 
>compared with  those which compose the moon. The particles and organization of 
>the former  produce rays, but the particles of which the moon is composed do 
>not produce  rays but need to borrow light. So other human realities are those 
>souls who,  like the moon, take light from the sun; but that Holy Reality is 
>luminous in  Himself".
> De: Dean Betts  <>
>Para: Baha'i Studies  <> 
>Enviado: Viernes, 4 de enero, 2013 5:40  P.M.
>Asunto: Re: looking for  a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh where...
>The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>Dear Hasan,
>If the following passage does not answer your question, read SAQ #38 and  #39.
>Dean Betts
>The third station is that of the divine appearance and heavenly splendor:  it 
>is the Word of God, the Eternal Bounty, the Holy Spirit. It has neither  
>beginning nor end, for these things are related to the world of contingencies  
>and not to the divine world. For God the end is the same thing as the  
>beginning. So the reckoning of days, weeks, months and years, of yesterday and 
> today, is connected with the terrestrial globe; but in the sun there is no  
>such thing -- there is neither yesterday, today nor tomorrow, neither months  
>nor years: all are equal. In the same way the Word of God is purified from all 
> these conditions and is exempt from the boundaries, the laws and the limits 
>of  the world of contingency. Therefore, the reality of prophethood, which is 
>the  Word of God and the perfect state of manifestation, did not have any 
>beginning  and will not have any end; its rising is different from all others 
>and is like  that of the sun. For example, its
 dawning in the sign of Christ was with the  utmost splendor and radiance, and 
this is eternal and everlasting. See how  many conquering kings there have 
been, how many statesmen and princes,  powerful organizers, all of whom have 
disappeared, whereas the breezes of  Christ are still blowing; His light is 
still shining; His melody is still  resounding; His standard is still waving; 
His armies are still fighting; His  heavenly voice is still sweetly melodious; 
His clouds are still showering  gems; His lightning is still flashing; His 
reflection is  153  still  clear and brilliant; His splendor is still radiating 
and luminous; and it is  the same with those souls who are under His protection 
and are shining with  His light.
> (Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 151)
>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: Hasan Elías 
>>To: Baha'i Studies 
>>Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:14  PM
>>Subject: looking for a Tablet of  Bahá'u'lláh where...
>>The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>Hi all,
>>I'm  looking for a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh where, according to Hooper Dunbar 
>>and  Adib Taherzadeh, it is mentioned that the Soul of the Manifestation of 
>>God  is not the same as the soul of a human being, the soul of human has a  
>>Thanks  for help,
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