The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Yes, but the extremes, as a percentage of the population, are and will continue 
to decline.  Eventually, they will nearly completely disappear, tho' prob not 
completely as recessives will be maintained and pop up every so often.  

I have been told that that the populations with the longest history of 
inter-marriage are in the Pacific, and that their coloration is likely to 
become the dominant one in the distant future.  

Don C

On Jan 18, 2013, at 4:23 11AM, Simeon Kohlman Rabbani wrote:

> Dear David,
> You must not know many interracial couples!  For the record,
> intermarrying doesn't make everyone look the same, because genes
> simply don't work that way.  If I shuffle a red and blue deck of cards
> together, I won't get a deck of purple cards.
> Instead of reducing diversity, intermarriage actually creates MORE
> diversity.  Just look at cultures where intermarriage has been common
> for centuries (such as Brazil), and you will see it is the case.  How
> often would you have siblings of the same family with every shade of
> color imaginable if there were no intermarriage?

It doesn't matter whether the sun shines if you never go outside.

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