The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Bahá'u'lláh says this: "The Prophets 'endowed with constancy', whose loftiness 
and glory shine as the sun, were each honoured with aBook which all have seen, 
and the verses of which have been duly ascertained".

Abraham is considered a Manifestation of God in the bahá'í writings, for 
example in this sequence of Manifestations of God given by `Abdu'l-Bahá:

His Holiness Abraham-Upon him be Peace! - took the Covenant of His Holiness 
Moses and gave the glad-tidings of His appearance. His, Holiness Moses took the 
Covenant of the Promised One, His Holiness the Christ, and gladdened the world 
with the glad-tidings of His Manifestation, His Holiness the Christ took 
theCovenant of the "Paraclete" - which means His Holiness Mohammed - and 
announced the glad-tidings of His Appearance. His Holiness Mohammed took the 
Covenant of His Holiness the Bab, and the Bab was, the Promised One of His 
Holiness Mohammed, for He gave the good news of His Coming. His Holiness the 
Blessed Perfection BAHA'O'LLAH - was the Promised One of His Holiness the Bab. 
The Blessed Perfection has prophesied of the coming of a Promised One after one 
thousand years, or after thousands of years.

Abraham is considered a follower of the Sabean religion (although it is not 
specified if it was as the same fashion of Jesus, when He was a Jewish before 
God revealed His mission), even if that is truth the Founder of Sabean religion 
is believed to be Enoch, but then Noah (who was posterior of Enoch and before 
Abraham) is left without Religion or Book:

"As to the religion of the Sabeans very little is known about the origins of 
this religion, though we Bahá'ís are certain of one thing, that the founder of 
it has been a divinely-sent Messenger. The country where Sabeanism became 
widespread and flourished was Chaldea, andAbraham is considered as having been 
a follower of that Faith." - Shoghi Effendi

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