Susan Maneck wrote:

"God forgiveth you your nocturnal emissions and masturbation. But know ye the value of your seed, for your seed is the cause of the creation of one who worshippeth God. Keep your seed in the exquisite place. The purpose of this command is that perhaps the fruit of your existence will come to the aid of the religion of God.

Any comment about "the exquisite place" where "seed" should be kept so "the fruit of your existence will come to the aid of the religion of God?" Could this refer to the future creation of sperm banks?

When semen cometh out by your own free
will, make the ablutions, prostrate yourself and say this verse nineteen
times: 'Thou art the Most Pure and Sublime, O my God!' Thou art free from
error and lack.

Since women don't produce semen does this mean they are exempt from the ablutions and reciting the verses, or does the prohibition against masturbation apply only to men? Marleen

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