Dear Friends,
When this topic came up on the list, I was shocked & moderately horrified! I
had visions of draping women in shapeless costumes, so we wouldn't arouse
The sexual drives of the other sex. I remembered one of the first things a
male infant does after birth is touch his genitals! I also recall reading
about a practice advocated in the 1930s of tying a babies arms and legs to
the sides of the crib so he wouldn't touch his private parts.

I'm sure a few of you males have had the lecture about the dangers of
Onanism (Genesis chapter 38.) and I actually know women younger than myself
whose husbands had to explain the marriage act on their first night! Now I
believe excessive focus on this topic does not and will not further the
cause of God, which should be our major focus. I do not think virtue is
built up or developed through focusing on what one should not do or feel.

 Sexual feelings are present in children well before the age of puberty.
Admittedly, They become more pronounced and have more serious consequences,
subsequently! LOL I feel the narrow minded focus on sex as a designed for
the act of reproduction is not in keeping with what biologists have
discovered about mammalian behaviour. It is also known that infants deprived
of touching, holding, and being physically handled do not thrive and often
die. Our need to touch and be held is not necessarily sexual in nature and
does not necessarily lead to overt sexual behaviour. However, it is a part
of our biological heritage of sexuality.

 I wonder if it is realistic to expect a 12 or 14 year old to display the
same moral discipline as an adult? I really wish I knew who The Guardian was
responding to and what was the actual question regarding masturbation.
Finally, there are many of us who will remain single and alone through out
our lives. I think it is cruel to deprive such people of any sexual release
throughout their lives.


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