Dear Larry:

I checked MARS, Ocean and Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha, but did not find this quote.  It may be something from Star of the West. 

Good luck on finding it,

In a message dated 8/23/2003 9:42:30 AM US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear friends,

At a recent devotional meeting the following prayer by Abdul-Baha was
typed on a piece of paper but no source was given.

Does anyone know the source of this prayer?

"O Lord, Thou hast ordained the family to be the basic social unit. Thou
hast provided loving mothers and fathers with wonderful children. Today
these families are split asunder by war and the threat of war, knowing not
when or whether they shall embrace each other again. We are sick at heart
knowing of the suffering that they are going through.

O God, protect them with Thine all-embracing love. Unite the troubled and
distraught family members again as Thou willest.

O God, bring peace to this contentious world, that war and bloodshed may
cease for all time, and loving brotherhood may sprout in the hearts and
minds of all mankind."

Thank you,

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