
To me it looks like the petrol leakage story is true (most probably
from the filter). However the fire story can not be true or else the
writer would have been in hospital for sure. It appears to be a ploy
to get immediate action from BAL (and yes, in my experience, this is
not a company that would give immediate attention to issues with its
products unless one raves and rants or moves on to do the kind of
street theatre that one can see having been done here).

I know Durgesh at Bagga Link. Next time I go there for getting my bike
serviced (within the next week or so), I will ask him about the case
and post the info in case he is willing to share stuff about the

Ciao // Rajeev

On 9/28/07, Street Hawk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1 more thing to add.
> Since petrol is highly combustible fluid there wud have a outburst of fire
> or some explosion.
> other things agreed with GR & Nav .....

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