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Sent: 02 Nopember 2000 9:13
Subject: [diskusi-autis] A Look at Vaccinations and Autism Theories

> ---- Forwarded by HANNY PRASETYA/FIRMENICH on 11/02/2000 08:52
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> FEAT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/31/2000 08:33:54
> Subject: A Look at Vaccinations and Autism Theories
> FEAT DAILY NEWSLETTER      Sacramento, California      http://www.feat.org
>           "Healing Autism: No Finer a Cause on the Planet"
> ______________________________________________________
> October 30, 2000
> A Look at Vaccinations and Autism Theories
>        [This is part of series of summaries of Theories of Autism written
> and maintained by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D., Medical Director of The
> Center for Complementary Medicine.  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Other
> theory of autism summaries are also available at the website below.
> References have been deleted but are available at the website.  This
> material contains technical language.]
> http://www.healing-arts.org/children/
>       Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a Gastroenterologist at the Royal Free
> in London, England, discovered a possible connection between autism and
> viral infection associated with the MMR vaccination. The damage from
> is thought to be provoked by the an allergic type reaction initiated by
> body
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Æs reaction to the vaccine. This auto-immine response could also affect
DPP-IV, reducing its levels, thereby connecting vaccines to the opioid
theory of autism.
      For more information, please see The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage
from Vaccines by Val Valerian.
      Myelination is an essential part of human brain development. Nerves
can only conduct pulses of energy efficiently if it is covered with myelin.
Like insulation on an electric wire, the fatty coating of myelin helps keep
the pulses confined and maintains the integrity of the electrical signal so
that it has a high signal-to-noise ratio. When the insulation on a wire is
damaged or destroyed, the flow of electrical current may be interrupted and
a short-circuit occurs. See Colorado Health Net's MS Definitions, Facts, and
Statistics for more information.
      Oligodendrocyte cells give white matter its color by manufacturing
myelin. If myelin falls into disrepair, nerve axons cease to function, even
though they themselves aren't damaged. Protecting oligodendrocytes after
brain or spinal cord injury might keep nerve cells intact." See Washington
University in St. Louis School of Medicine's article on new findings on
nervous system damage for more information.
      At birth, relatively few pathways have myelin insulation. Myelination
in the human brain continues from before birth until at least 20 years of
age. Up until the age of 10 or so, vast areas of the cortex are not yet
myelinated, and up to the age of 20, large areas of the frontal lobes are
not yet myelinated 21.
      Myelination begins in the developmentally oldest parts of the brain,
like the brain stem, moving to the areas of the nervous system that have
developed more recently, like the prefrontal lobe and cortex. Myelin spreads
throughout the nervous system in stages which vary slightly in each
individual. Impairment of myelination can alter neural communication without
necessarily causing severe CNS damage.
      The prefrontal portions of the cerebrum have a profound influence on
human behavior. If an individual is injected with vaccines, most of which
have adjuvants like mercury and aluminum compounds, as well as foreign
proteins (some from other species in which the vaccines were grown) and
biological organisms, unprotected nerves may be impacted. The argument for a
role of vaccines in the development of autistic disorders hinges on these
biological effects upon nerves, damaging them in a way that influences
behavior and learning patterns.
      The history of studies on vaccines began in 1922 when a smallpox
vaccination program caused an outbreak of encephalitis, with a secondary
result of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an ascending paralysis ending in death.
The polio virus produces a breakdown of the myelin shealth, called
poliomyelitis, which results in paralysis. Encephalitis, whether caused
through disease or as a result of vaccination, can cause demyelination of
the nerves. For more information, see again The Mechanism of Encephalitic
Damage from Vaccines. "In regions in which there is no organized vaccination
of the population, general paralysis is rare. It is impossible to deny a
connection between vaccination and the encephalitis which follows it. 23"
      In 1935, Thomas Rivers discovered "experimental allergic
encephalomyelitis," or (EAE). Until then, it was assumed that encephalitis
was caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the nervous system. Rivers
was able to produce brain inflammation in laboratory monkeys by injecting
them repeatedly with extracts of sterile normal rabbit brain and spinal cord
material, which made it apparent that encephalitis was an allergic reaction.
EAE can explain the association of allergies and autoimmune states with
      In 1947, Isaac Karlin suggested that stuttering was caused by "delay
in the myelinization of the cortical areas in the brain concerned with
speech." In 1988, research by Dietrich and others using MRI imaging of the
brains of infants and children from four days old to 36 months of age have
found that those who were developmentally delayed had immature patterns of
      In 1953 it was realized that some children's diseases, measles in
particular, showed an increased propensity to attack the central nervous
system. This indicated a growing allergic reaction in the population to both
the diseases and the vaccinations for the diseases.
      In 1978, British researcher, Roger Bannister, observed that the
demyelinating diseases were getting more serious "because of some abnormal
process of sensitization of the nervous system."
      Some investigators believe that this increased sensitization of the
population is being enhanced by vaccination programs.

      DPT and Brain Damage:
      In 1948, Randolph Byers and Frederick Moll of Harvard Medical School
and the Federal Drug Administration carried out tests on DPT vaccines at
Children's Hospital in Boston and concluded that severe neurological
problems could follow the administration of DPT vaccines. The results of the
tests were published in Pediatrics.
      In 1976, Dr. Charles Manclark, an FDA scientist, remarked that "the
DPT vaccine had one of the worst failure rates of any product submitted to
the Division of Biologics for testing."
      According to the testimony of the Assistant Secretary of Health,
Edward Grant, Jr., before a U.S. Senate Committee on May 3rd, 1985, every
year, 35,000 children suffer neurological damage related to the DTP vaccine.
See "Vaccinations", by Alex Logia, for more information.
      In 1992, the Institute of Medicine concluded that "the evidence is
consistent with a causal relation between DPT vaccine and acute
encephalopathy, defined in the studies reviewed as encephalopathy,
encephalitis, or encephalomyelitis, and the evidence indicates a causal
relation between DPT vaccine and anaphylaxis, between the pertussis
component of DPT vaccine and protracted, inconsolable crying." For more
information, see the Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination
      Like the material used to produce experimental allergic encephalitis,
vaccines contain substances which qualify as "adjuvants." These substances
initiate reactionary antibody formation. Common adjuvants used in vaccines
are aluminum hydroxide and aluminum potassium sulfate. In the body, formalin
coating around the injected material dissolves, releasing all bacterial and
viral particles from animal culture sources. Substances such as thimerosal
[mercury] and these adjuvant chemicals irritate body tissues and increase
the action of accompanying bacteria and viruses, as well as the reaction of
the immune system to the foreign protein antigens, potentially damaging
neurological membranes where the myelin sheath has only partially protected
the nervous system. This can result in mild to severe neurological damage,
leading to learning disabilities and other nervous system disorders, or
death, especially upon subsequent injections, since body has already been
sensitized, promoting allergic reactions of increasingly severe nature. For
more information, see again the Leading Edge Master Analysis of the
Vaccination Paradigm.
      Dr. Charles M Poser has drawn the link between the vaccines and
demyelination: "Almost any... vaccine can lead to a non infectious
inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system 24. The common
denominator consists of a vasculopathy that is often... associated with
demyelination." For more information, see the Society For The Autistically
Handicapped (S.F.T.A.H.)'s Vaccines: Fact Sheet.
      Jonas Salk, the developer of the vaccine, wrote in 1975, "Live virus
vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the
disease it intended to prevent . . . . the live virus against measles and
mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis 25. "
      Post-vaccinal pathology of the central nervous system (CNS) is a topic
deserving further investigation (An Italian Study Finding Biochemical
Markers of Vaccine Damage, © 1996, Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.). Observation of
30 patients of Italian nationality, observed between April, 1994, and
October, 1995, showed that clinical signs of CNS pathology, along with
associated dermatitis, food allergies, constipation, and leaking from the
anus, emerged concomitantly or immediately after vaccination with the Salk
or Sabin polio vaccine, DT, measles, DPT, anti-tuberculosis, or Hepatitis-B
vaccines 26.
      These 30 patients from various regions of Italy, all presented with a
clinical history of convulsions concomitant with, or immediately after,
vaccinations. Patients whose clinical history was not referable to a
vaccination were excluded from the study. Accepted patients received tissue
typing for HLA (A, B, C) and HLA DR-DQ. Various immune functions: were also
studied, including lymphocyte subpopulations, serum immunoglobulin content,
and presence of antibodies to specific viruses (CMV, EBV, HSV-1 and HSV-2,
      Patients had earlier been diagnosed with epilepsy, myoclonic epilepsy,
evoving epilepsy, epileptigenic encephalopathy, autism, West Syndrome, and
Angelman's Syndrome. All the patients had presented with the first symptoms
shortly after receiving a vaccination.
      The first symptoms were convulsions, high fever, or diarrhea
immediately following vaccination. The parents had told their physicians
about this; then, after taking EEGs and visiting neuropsychiatric
specialists or pediatricians without conclusion, the physicians had
administered the recall shots of the vaccines leading to stabilization of
the condition with progressive clinical deterioration.
      Children were 3 to 9 months old. All patients were studied for the
presence of metabolic diseases with negative results; then chromosomal
mapping was done, also with negative results; encephalic TAC and RMN were
performed at first appearance of the symptomatology, also with negative
      The EEG performed at first appearance of the symptomatology gave a
negative result in 92% of the patients. Serologic investigations for
herpetic virus (IgG and IgM) were positive in all for IgG and negative for
all for IgM, leading to an estimate of seropositivity (IgG) for Epstein-Barr
virus of 73.8%; for cytomegalovirus, of 71.4%; for Herpes Simplex virus, of
47.6%; and for Varicella-Zoster Virus of 21.4%. In all the patients they
observed diminished sideremia and a deficit of IgA and IgG with a slight
increase of SGOT and SGPT. None of the patients had maternally transmitted
viral encephalopathy, and in all the patients the vegetative and relational
life was quite normal prior to administration of the first dose of vaccine.
Again, see An Italian Study Finding Biochemical Markers of Vaccine Damage,
for more information.

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MMR Vaccine and Autism:

Elevated Rubeola Titers in Autistic Children and MMR vaccine:
      T. Zecca , et al. at the New Jersey Medical School's Children's
Hospital of New Jersey in Newark compared rubeola virus in autistic and
normal children. Among 16 children diagnosed with autism followed in their
clinical practice, they found a 3-fold increase in rubeola titers over
expected normal range. A Wilcoxon Kruskal Wallas test comparing 13 rubeola
titers from normal children revealed a statistically significant p-value of
      Subjectively, parents have stated that their children's developmental
milestones deteriorated following MMR vaccination. Neurological sequelae
following MMR are widely reported. The authors suggested that elevated
titers of anti-measles antibodies in autistic children could signify a
chronic activation of the immune system against this neurotropic virus,
which may play a role in the pathogenic sequences of events leading to
autism. They emphasized the need for further studies.

Vaccination and the Risk for Autism:
      Do vaccines contribute to autism?
      A February 28, 1998, report in The Lancet suggested an association
among inflammatory bowel disease, autism, and measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
vaccine based on 12 cases. Dozens of heart-rending anecdotal accounts link
permanent neurologic disability or death to vaccine use. One of the leading
sites in the anti-immunization field is the National Vaccine Information
Centre (NVIC).
      Some information about the risks and side effects of vaccines on the
NVIC site is accurate in spite of its overwhelming emphasis on the risks of
vaccination. Nevertheless, as the site states,

      "Vaccination is a medical procedure which carries a risk of injury or
death. As a parent, it is your responsibility to become educated about the
benefits and risks of vaccines in order to make the most informed,
responsible vaccination decisions."

      A similar statement can be made about any medical procedure.
      There area also possible, but unproven links between MMR vaccine and
juvenile diabetes, multiple vaccines and autism, and OPV and Gulf War
syndrome. Time and further research will tell if these proposed
relationships are real.
      In the Lancet report, Dr. Wakefield and team from Royal Free Hospital
and School of Medicine in London reported a case series of 12 children,
referred to their pediatric gastroenterology clinic with a diagnosis of
pervasive developmental disorder and intestinal symptoms. These children had
lost acquired skills, including communication, after a period of apparent
normality. Among eight of the children, the onset of behavioral problems had
been linked, either by the parents or the child's physician, with MMR
      Five had an early adverse reaction to immunization (rash, fever,
delirium, and seizures in 3). The average interval from exposure to first
behavioral symptom was 6.3 days (range 1-14). Among the remaining 4
children, one received monovalent measles vaccine at 15 months, after which
his development slowed. A striking deterioration then occurred in his
behavior at age 4.5 years, the day after he received an MMR vaccine.
      A second child received the MMR vaccine at 16 months, developing at 18
months a combination of recurrent, antibiotic resistant, otitis media, along
with his first behavioral symptoms (lack of interest in siblings and lack of
play). A third child received an MMR at 15 months, experienced recurrent
"viral pneumonia" for the next 8 weeks, and developed behavioral symptoms 4
weeks after the MMR ( loss of speech development and deterioration in
language skills). The fourth child developed self- injurious behavior 2
month after the MMR. Urinary methylmalonic - acid excretion was
significantly raised in all children tested (8 of the 12). Ten of the twelve
children showed lymphoid nodular hyperplasia of the terminal ileum on
endoscopy. The eleventh child had prominent luteal lymph nodes and the ileum
was not reached in the twelfth (who had an ulcer in the rectum along with
chronic colitis).
      Other studies have suggested a link between autism and vaccination.
H.H.Fudenberg reported that the first symptoms of autism among 15 of 20
children developed within a week of vaccination. S.Gupta commented on the
striking association between MMR vaccination and the onset of behavioral
symptoms in all the children he investigated for regressive autism. The MMR
vaccine is all live virus. Disintegrative psychosis is recognized as a
sequela of measles encephalitis. Viral encephalitis can give rise to
autistic disorders, particularly when it occurs early in life.
      A genetic association for autism is represented by a null allele of
the complement C4B gene located in the class III region of the major
histocompatibility complex. The C4B-gene is also crucial for protection
against viruses. Affected individuals may not handle certain viruses
appropriately; even the attenuated ones used in vaccines. In an addendum to
the paper, the authors noted that their sample size had increased to 40
children by Jan 28,1998, with 39 of those showing similar findings.
      These studies raise an important provocative point. MMR vaccine may
trigger a cascade of events leading to autism in genetically susceptible
children. The possibility must be further studied. Unfortunately vaccination
among public health and medical practitioners has become almost sacred.
Questioning the wisdom of vaccination for certain children is seen as
professional heresy. Nevertheless, the possibility cannot be ignored. Could
killed MMR accomplish the same task? Should measles be administered
separately from mumps? We know that the combination of chicken pox and
measles dramatically increases the risk for subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis. Perhaps other mixed viral infections are also clinically
      More important is the science we must use to explore this. Simply
correlation analysis and comparison studies will not suffice. If autism is
linked to MMR vaccine in genetically susceptible individuals, unless these
individuals are selected from the larger pool, the statistical significance
will cancel out. Medical research suffers from a failure to consider
interactions and synergy in the disease process. Simple epidemiology will
not suffice, since we are not even sure what the potential genetic defect is
in autism or if autism is one syndrome or many.
* *

Summary Commentary:
      The vaccine-autism connection is very much still a big question mark.
After sifting through what has been studied and reported on the subject, pro
or con, the following facts do remain:

      The incidence of Autism has increased significantly in the last
      There is every reason to believe that this trend will continue.
      No one has proved that MMR vaccine plays a role in autism.
      No one has proved conclusively that it does not.
      Serious studies by independent researchers are desperately needed, to
look into all aspects of this dreadful disease.




ûLenny Schafer

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