ICD-10* Criteria for Autism (F84.0, F84.1, F84.10, F84.11, F84.12)

F84.0 Childhood Autism

A. Abnormal or impaired development is evident before the age of 3 years in
at least one of the following areas:
(1) reseptive or expressive language as used in social communication;
(2) the development of selective social attachments or of reciprocal social
(3) functional or symbolic play.

B. A total of at least six symptom from (1), (2), and (3) must be present,
with at least two from (1) and at least one from each of (2) and (3):

(1) Qualitative impairments in social interaction are manifest in at least
two of the following areas:
(a) failure adequately to use eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body
postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction;
(b) failure to develop (in a manner appropiate to mental age, and despite
ample opportunities) peer relationships that involve a mutual sharing of
interest, activities, and emotions;
(c) lack of socioemotional reciprocity as shown by an impaired or deviant
response to other people's emotions; or lack of modulation of behavior
according to social context; or a weak integration of social, emotional, and
communicative behaviors;
(d) lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interest, or
achievements with other people (e.g.,a lack of showing, bringing, or
pointing out to other people objects or interest to the individual).

(2) Qualitative abnormalities communication as manifest in at least one of
the following areas:
(a) delay in or total lack of development of spoken language that is not
accompanied by an attempt to compensate through the use of gesture or mime
as an alternative mode of communication (often preceded by a lack of
communicative babling);
(b) relative failure to initiate or sustain conversational interchange (at
whatever level of language skill is present), in which there is reciprocal
responsiveness to the communications of the other person;
(c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosynctratic use of word
s or phrases;
(d) lack of varied spontaneous make -believe play or (when young) social
imitative play.

(3) Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interest,
and activities are manifested in at least one of the following:
(a) an encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and
restricted patterns of interest that are abnormal in content or focus; or
one or more interest that are abnormal in their intensity and circumscribed
nature thought not in their content or focus;
(b) apparently compulsive adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or
(c) stereotyped and reperitive motor mannerisms that involve either hand or
finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body mevements:
(d) preoccupations with part object or nonfunctional elements of play
meterials (such as their odor, the feel of their surface, or the noise or
vibration they generate).

C. The clinical picture is not attributable to the other varieties of
pervasive developmental disorders; specific development disorder of
receptive language (F80.2) with secondary socioemotional problems' reactive
attachment disorder (F94.1)or disinhibited attachment disorder (F94.2);
mental retardation (F70-F72) with some associated emotional or behavioral
disorders; schizophrenia (F20.-) of unusually early onset; and Rett's
Syndrome (F84.12).

F84.1 Atypical Autism

A. Abnormal or impaired development is evident at or after the age of 3
years (criteria as for autism except for age or manivestation)
B. There are qualitative abnormalities in reciprocal social interaction or
in communication, or restricted, repertitive, and stereotyped patterns of
behavior, interests, and activities. (Criteria as for autism except that it
is unnecessary to meet the criteria for number of areas of abnormality.)
C. The disorder does not meet the diagnostic criteria for autism (F84.0).

Autism may be atypical in either age of onset (F84.10) or symptomatology
(F.84.11); the two types are differentiated with a fifth character for
research purposes. Syndromes that are typical in both respects should be
coded F84.12.

F84.10 Atypicality in age of onset

A. The disorder does not meet criterion A for autism (F84.0) that is,
abnormal or impaired development is evident only at or after age 3 years.
B. The disorder meets criteria B and C for autism (F84.0).

F84.11 Atypicality in symptomatology

A. The disorder meets criterion A for autism (F84.0); that is, abnormal or
impaired development is evident before age 3 years.
B. There are qualitative abnormalities ini reciprocal social interaction or
in communication, or  ir restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of
behavior, interest, and activities. (Criteria as for autism except that it
is unnecessary to meet the criteria for number of areas of abnormality.)
C. The disorder mets criterion C for autism (F84.0).
D. The disorder not fully meet criterion B for autism (F84.0)

F84.12 Atypicality in both age of onset and symptomatology
A. The disorder does not meet criterion A for autism (F84.0); that is,
abnormal or impaired development is evident only at or after age 3 years.
B. There are qualitative abnormalities in reciprocal social interaction or
communication, or restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of
behavior, interests and activities. (Criteria as for autism except that it
is unnecessary to meet the criteria for number of areas of abnormality.)
C. The disorder meets criterion C for autism (F84.0).
D. The disorder does not fully meet criterion B for autism (F84.0).

*International Classification of Disease, World Health Organization, 1993

Dr. Rudy Sutadi, SpA

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