Typically Python is used in product/consulting companies
with niche software/consulting such as Django, Zope
and other Python based web frameworks.

Python is otherwise used in places like Google, HP,
IBM. Startups also tend to use it a lot, especially those
in search, mobile etc.

The purpose of this thread is to start a discussion among
Python usage among those in the IT service sector - say
among the big 5 (Infosys, TCS, Wirpo, Accenture, IBM Global

If you are working in the Indian IT service industry and have
used or currently use Python in your work, do write in
with your experiences. I think this will be helpful for other
people who look for jobs in this sector and have an exposure
to Python.

Btw, I don't work in the service sector. The purpose of this
thread is purely academic, so that this discussion is useful
for people searching for jobs...  :)



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