
>From the submissions so far, this gets my vote although I think it needs some 
>minor tweaks.

Looks good, though the black text does not blend in well. Looks cute, but too 
small for now - like an icon. Needs some encircling elements or something to 
decorate - some blending text might help as well.


--Pankaj, who is good at imagining but not a gfx designer.

From: Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com>
To: mah...@mahiti.org; Bangalore Python Users Group - India 
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:54:37 AM
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] PyCon India logo contest!

This looks cute. :)
>From the submissions so far, this gets my vote although I think it
needs some minor tweaks. I would like the words PyCon and perhaps
India to be there on the logo somewhere. Also the font to be a little
more fitting. The snake curled around the flag looks nice though.

I've put it on the wiki page here http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyConIndiaLogos

Please vote.


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