On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 16:08, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
<srinivas_thatipar...@akebonosoft.com> wrote:
>>> As Noufal said, don't become a language  specialist, as that amounts
> to limiting yourself too much  upfront. .
> I didn't get this point. I would like to know.please clarify on this
> point
>>>>.In my experience, companies prefer  well-skilled generalists than
> deeply skilled specialists, unless  one is an ultimate genius in what he
> does and irreplacable.
> This point also, because i want to be  a python,c#  specialist.Your
> answer help me a great deal.Please clarify.

I came across this recently: http://nathanmarz.com/blog/john-mccarthy/

Might be relevant to the "don't be a language lawyer" advice.  :)

Roshan Mathews
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