On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Senthil Kumaran <orsent...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Baiju,
> I think that was "Call for Application" for Sponsored Sprint. Like if we
> all
> decide upon a sprint date and chalk out of our tasks, then, we can approach
> PSF with the details  (the tasks we are undertaking) and request them if
> they can sponsor it. *If they agree to sponsor it, then the money details
> can handled by organizer , it could be single person whom the group can
> trust. I don't think we should get to legal entity details here.
> If you like to consider getpython3.net  site development as a part of
> sprint, then I think you should put forth the proposal with PSF. But
> personally, I think that  it is a very good one/two person project and  I
> would like sprints to be a community event. Like if we can get at least 10
> people to work on enhancing/ bug fixing the existing projects (bluebream,
> django, twisted or python and similar) so that new-comers have an edge in
> joining the respective project communities, it would have a greater
> benefit.
> If we plan or decide upon such an event in the near future, we should take
> this opportunity extended by PSF.
> Also, if we plan for Sprints, we should allow remote participation too. (I
> can participate only remotely for bangpypers these days :) !)

 Yes, there is a formal procedure for applying for python sprints.
 It would be nice if we can have a mini meeting or discussion
 on topics where people in BangPypers are interested to submit
 proposals on.

 Proposals need not be on "popular" platforms such as Django,
 Twisted etc, it could be for some of these categories also apart
 from "obvious" ones such as contributing to Python core and standard
 library. I am giving a few examples below, which are not very obvious.

1. An unmaintained Python library which is still used by a sizeable
 number of people which you want to port to Python 3.0 or suggest
 some improvements as part of a sprint.

2. Improving documentation for an existing Python project.

3. Educational libraries, tools and websites.

In short, any problem which is felt reasonably widely as a void in
the community or sub-community is good for a sprint application.

Please see the following URL for the new, wider scope of
Python sprints, for more information.


If you have any questions, get in touch with Brian or Jesse Noller.
I can also forward any questions if anyone gets in touch with me
to the right people.

> Thanks,
> Senthil
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