Gopalakrishnan Subramani <> writes:

> Source language IO is very limited and it has functions to map to IO and UI.
> As a total, they have around 100+ function.
> Those can be easily done in Lua.


For a project in one of my earlier companies, I used SPARK[1] to write a
little parser for a language of my own making to used to specify some

The parser would convert this into a python expression which could be
evaluated with some objects to return a true or a false. 

If you have the grammar of your source language at hand, it's a fews
hours job to write a parser for it using SPARK. Once you do that, you
have to write a backend to convert it into LUA which might be a little
more complex but not impossibly so. 



An empty cab drove up and Sarah Bernhardt got out. -Arthur Baer, American comic 
and columnist
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