Thank you.

Deep L Sukhwani


On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 13:46, Kumar Anirudha <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm sure you're aware of the increasing number of cases related to COVID-19
> (Corona Virus). Though Bangalore isn't amongst the most infected of cities,
> we'd like to take every necessary step to keep the community as safe as
> possible.
> Due to the unfortunate situation that has arisen, we'll have to move our
> the devsprint, which was scheduled on March 21st from offline to online
> mode.
> We won't be present in any physical space but the devsprint will still
> happen online. So, it's not restricted to Bangalore alone and folks from
> all over can now participate. Also, now the devsprint will be carried on
> for 2 days instead of 1 (March 21-22).
> During the event, we would be interacting via online communication
> platforms such as IRC, video calls if needed via Hangout/Zoom/Skype, etc
> and Zulip/Discord/Telegram if needed for individual teams.
> We'll share more details about the devsprint on our event page[1].
> So far, we've selected 6 python open source projects and awesome mentors,
> which will be announced soon. If you're yet to submit your project, now
> would be a good time cause we'll close the project CFP[2] soon. Since the
> new format, we can extend the CFP deadline by another week.
> If you've any doubts, feel free to reach out to me, Anirudha (
> or Abhiram ( or Ritesh (
> at any point in next 2 weeks about the event and we
> would be happy to clarify your queries.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> Cheers,
> Kumar Anirudha
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