Le 16 déc. 07 à 21:24, Rob a écrit :
Please be careful, Anthony. The photo of me grinning like an idiot does not show me playing a la Mouton. I have now adopted, more or less, Mouton's technique which is closer to the bridge than I am using in that photo. I say more or less, because, of course, the position is not fixed, is quite fluid and allied to the subtle dynamic and tonal nuances of the music. When that photo was taken I had only seen the lute for a few minutes and hadn't really played anything. I was grinning because Martin had just accepted a dud
cheque, the value of which he will discover tomorrow!

Rob, we can all see that (well not the dud cheque), We are aware that you are posing for the camera, holding the new arrival, vaguely in a somewhat more relaxed Mouton posture; but I suppose that Charles was also posing for the painter. Although, you might have played with your lute for 40 mins and Charles played his for 40 years, that was not really the point; both paintings and photos of posing musicians would not be the ideal proof of a playing position, unless they were actually playing, which is not the case for either of you.

Your finger is a little forward, in relation to Charles', but I only really added your photo, because I am hoping every one will agree with me that Mouton's lute is indeed a Maler, or even a Desmoulins baroqued Maler. No I know that can't be proved either way. I am not really taking all that much more seriously than we can see you are.

However, the finger marks on the unrestored lutes are highly significant evidence, showing that if you do indeed want to play with the little finger nearer the bridge, then you are following the pattern of at least four other "historic" lute players, particularly, as you are using gut strings, as obviouly they had no choice but to do (although theirs might have been loaded). Marks on the lute belly, are much more significant than paintings, or indeed photos, unless the player is performing during the photo.

I would make some duff pun about Tcheque (as they call it in France) Malers and dudd cheques, but fortunately for all, none come to mind, at this time in the evening.

We will all here,be looking forward to hearing you play de Visee in Paris, perhaps on this lute, and possibly with an even better little finger position (I will be the bearded one in the front row, with a big grin, perhaps invisble under my beard). Although, I would be quite happy if I could play my lute as you do after holding it for only few minutes.


PS Just the knowledge that yet another Frei exists (perhaps all of you already knew that, but I didn't), pleases me; and the French Maler was only disovered very recently too. Wolfgang Emmerich analysed a fairly recently discovered Railich in Prague, I think, and S. Lippi also discovered an analysed a Railich in Italy. Perhaps, more remain to be discovered. However, for me personally, the idea that one can still make discoveries about finger marks on lute bellies, which haven't been studied before, as MP has done, is, if anything, even more interesting, pushing at the barriers of our knowledge of historic techniques.

I haven't yet obtained the new lute record by Anthony Bailes on two- headed lute, but i understand that is also the result of pioneering musical analysis, that has allowed him to open up a new-old musical repertoire. I have to admit in taking some joy at the idea of all that. As I think of this a gleeful smile appears on my face, too.

Le 16 déc. 07 à 21:24, Rob a écrit :

Please be careful, Anthony. The photo of me grinning like an idiot does not show me playing a la Mouton. I have now adopted, more or less, Mouton's technique which is closer to the bridge than I am using in that photo. I say more or less, because, of course, the position is not fixed, is quite fluid and allied to the subtle dynamic and tonal nuances of the music. When that photo was taken I had only seen the lute for a few minutes and hadn't really
played anything. I was grinning because Martin had just accepted a dud
cheque, the value of which he will discover tomorrow!


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Hind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The example he chooses is Charles Mouton, so we can compare with the
rh position that Rob has also adopted;
Rob: http://tinyurl.com/2dlsa3

Charles: http://tinyurl.com/yvlvvq

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