Dear Martyn,

thank you for your answer, to which I fully agree. Actually I was only refering to Stone's overview on concerted works by Weiss, without assuming that they were duets. In his published reconstruction of the lute concerti (recent researches in the music of the baroque era, 136, a-r editions) he gives a list of 19 still extant chamber music works (appendix 1), where the Salzburg trios are included, but with a numbering that partly doesn't match other catalogues. (Appendix 2 and 3 list references to 24 to 70 works presumed lost, and five extant, but dubious works.)

How many of the 50 pieces in Salzburg would you think are of the colla-parte-type?



Am 28.11.2010, 10:49 Uhr, schrieb Martyn Hodgson <>:

   I have a copy of the Salzburg Lautencodex Ms III 25 which contains
   these Weiss works (mostly for liutho, violino and basso but only the
lute tablature survives). Other composers include: Meckh, Block(Bloch),
   Lauf(f)ensteiner, Bohr.

   I have no evidence that the Weiss pieces in this Ms were originally
   composed as duets for two lutes and think it more likely they were
originally solos (many have concordances with solo sources) with string
   treble and bass added (by Weiss or others?) as was the fashion at the
   time. Many of the pieces by other composers may have been conceived as
   concerted works in the first place since the lute parts often have
   passages of continuo type texture.  I don't have the LSA journal you
   mention so can't comment on the numbering.

   Incidentally I think we need to be careful in assuming that any part
   labelled 'Basso' in this repertoire implies a keyboard instrument as
   well as a melodic bass (such as bass violin, cello etc): I think it
   more likely that no keyboard was expected (compare with extant trios
   for lute, violin basso)

   --- On Sun, 28/11/10, Stephan Olbertz <> wrote:

     From: Stephan Olbertz <>
     Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Weiss duets for lute and harpsichord
     To: "" <>
     Date: Sunday, 28 November, 2010, 9:29

   Am 22.11.2010, 13:49 Uhr, schrieb Nicolas Valencia
   >    Dear all,
   >    According to Richard Stone's article, "Weiss's Concerted Music: A
   >    Catalogue with Commentary", published in the latest LSA Journal,
   >    duets by Weiss include alternate instrumentations, i.e. lute &
   >    lute & lute or lute & harpsichord, although only the lute part
   >    survived.
   I have Stones edition of the Weiss Lute Concerti here, and I guess the
   article draws on the introduction there? Unfortunately some of the SC
numbers Stone gives for the Salzburg Lautencodex pieces don't match the
   numbers in the catalogues on the SLWeiss-site.
For example, Stone has SC 27 + 57 for no. III, the catalogues 27 + 52.
   For no. V Stone has SC 68, aginst 69 in the web incipits.
   And so on.
   Can anyone shed some light on this?
   Best regards,
   BTW: Does anyone have the Salzburg MS (M III 25)? I can' find it
   indexed on the website of the library.
   >    I know Stone, Schroeder and Cardin's reconstructions for flute &
   >    and lute & lute, but I was wondering if there's any lute &
   >    recording of these duets. Any other composer wrote for both
   >    instruments?
   >    Regards,
   >    Nicolas
   >    --
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