

   You can buy a copy on various formats from ProQuest Dissertation
   Express ([1]https://dissexpress.proquest.com/search.html :
   search publication number 10296642).

   Alternatively, I suppose the Library of the University of Pavia
   participates in the Interlibrary loan network and could obtain a copy ?


   Good luck in your search !


   François-Pierre Goy


   07.02.2018, 19:28, "Luca Manassero" <l...@manassero.net>:

     Â Â Â Dear collective wisdom,
     Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I'm presently working on my last year of the
     "laurea magistralis"
     Â Â Â (I'm actually 52, but I loved lute music so much that I
     finally managed
        to get thereâ¦) at the Conservatorio of Pavia and trying to
     Â Â Â as much as possible the history of the sources of Bach suite
     BWV 995.
     Â Â Â I'm also going to play the Leipzig manuscript version (with
     only a few
     Â Â Â fixes here and there) in my latest lute exam in four months,
     if I
        survive the many complexitiesâ¦
     Â Â Â In the library of the University of Indiana there should be a
     copy of a
     Â Â Â dissertation by Robert Grossmann, "The lute suite in G minor
     BWV 995 by
     Â Â Â Johan Sebastian Bach : a comparison of the autograph
     manuscript and the
     Â Â Â lute intabulation in Leipzig, Sammlung Becker, MS III.ii.3"
     (1987), but
     Â Â Â I couldn't manage to get a copy so far. ResearchGate was
     supposed to
     Â Â Â have one online, but I guess they only show certain titles to
     push you
     Â Â Â to subscribe.
     Â Â Â Anybody out there who has a digital copy and is willing to
     share it
     Â Â Â with me?
     Â Â Â Thank you in advance!
     Â Â Â Luca
     Â Â Â --
     To get on or off this list see list information at


   1. https://dissexpress.proquest.com/search.html
   2. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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