A similar question was asked some time ago. Here is a link to the 


Bob MacCallum wrote:
> Hello,
> In BASE1 you can see which sample is channel 1 or channel 2 from the
> BioAssaySample table.
> I've been looking at the BASE2 code and it seems that there is no inherent
> order for the LabeledExtracts which are associated with a hyb.  The
> Hybridization view page in the GUI lists them in ascending alphabetical name
> order.  The GUI for adding labeled extracts to a new hyb uses what looks like
> an "unordered list".  I don't see a column relevant to channel number in the
> database schema or anything in the API.
> So I wonder how we will be able to determine from the BASE2 API which sample
> is "experimental" and which is the control?
> As a user I would want to see this on the hybridisation view page, I think.
> Say I'm looking at some intensities in the Experiment Explorer - (labelled
> "Ch1" and "Ch2") - if I click through bioassay, raw bioassay and scan to hyb,
> I land on a page which tells me I have two labelled extracts and their labels.
> But to know which l.extract is giving the "Ch1" intensity I need to go and
> see which file format was used (straight or dye swapped) to import the raw
> data.  But wait... that doesn't seem to be available in BASE2.  Not even a
> link to the import job.  One would have to annotate all raw bioassays with a
> "dye swap" annotation to make sure this information was not lost.
> I'm confused - have I missed something?
> cheers,
> Bob.

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