On 2011-09-01 09:15, Gildas Le Corguillé wrote:
> Hello,
> Our group still interesting in this kind of exporter. It was the main
> reason why we decided to use Base. We are in a public lab so we like to
> share :P
> Last year, I repaired the existing Tab2Mage-exporter module for Base.
> So if you need help, I can spend some time on that. But I'm not
> necessarily a good developer ^^'

I think that a Mage-Tab exporter has to be developed by the BASE 
community. We can provide space and user accounts on our subversion+trac 
(baseplugins.thep.lu.se) if someone is interested to start on this. 
Unfortunately we have no time to help with the actual development. Of 
course, we'll try to answer questions and provide the information that 
is necessary.

As a starting point, we try to collect and document the major API 
changes in http://base.thep.lu.se/ticket/1603

My guess is that #1153 and #1597 are the major changes that cause 
problems for the current Tab2Mage exporter.


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