Hi Jari,

thank you for your quick response, that helps me :)
I'll implement your notes.


Am 2019-06-25 11:57, schrieb Jari Häkkinen:
Hi Philipp,

Thank you for your interest in BASE.

Some of the information you listed is outdated. Here are updates
you can use.

1) Brief description of BASE:

BASE is a comprehensive free web-based database LIMS solution for
tracking of information and data generated in sequencing and
microarray experiments from sample to analysis. BASE is released under
the ​GNU General Public License version 3.

2) The reference list could be updated to include

- Häkkinen et al. 2016, https://doi.org/10.1101/038976
- Vallon-Christersson et al. 2009, PMID: 19822003

If only one reference can be retained then you should use
Vallon-Christersson et al.

3) Under miscellaneous you might add that source code is available at
http://base.thep.lu.se? It is open, browsable, searchable, has issue
tracking, and more. Actually predates GitHub ;-)

4) Regarding compliance to standards. We are not actively pursuing
(MIAME) standards compliance, and the public repository upload
functionality is semi-automatic at best.



On 2019-06-16 14:54, Pugliese, Philipp wrote:
Dear support team,

briefly to me: my name is Philipp Pugliese and I researched for the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg about functions that BASE seems to fulfill.

For a congress publication I created a matrix in which BASE is mentioned. Could you please give me some feedback as to whether the information I found in the literature is correct or up to date?

The information is:

Brief description of BASE: Is an information and analysis tool for microarrays that tracks all materials from biosource to raw data to analyses. The elements can be annotated and used as factors in the downstream analysis

      Abbreviation: BioArray Software Environment
      FAIR reference: unknown
      Note: -

      Institution: Lund University
      Reference: Saal et al. 2002
      PMID: 12186655
      Software availability: open source
      License: GNU
      User mailing list or support: Yes
      URL: http://base.thep.lu.se

System requirements
      Operating system: Platform independent
      DB managing System: MySQL,PostgreSQL
      Main programming language: Java
      Client-side interface: web browser

      Installation procedures: Yes
      Configuration documentation: Yes
      User documentation: Yes
      Regular maintenance: Yes

      GitHub availability: -
      Demo server availability: Yes

Requirements for data management in system biology
      Compliance to standards: MIAME
      Metadata model: MIAME-related
      Automation of data collection: batch import
      Upload to public repositories: ArrayExpress, GEO, CIBEX
      Extensibility: Java plugins / extentions
      Integration with other DMS: via java servlets

Please give me feedback by 30th June 2019 so that your feedback can be considered until publication.

Thanks in advance and best regards,
Philipp Pugliese

P.S.: hope you are the right contact person. If not, could you provide me the right contact person?

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