
There is no way to install BASE 1.2.17 (NOTE version number) since 1.x is based on PHP. However, BASE 2.0 is a complete rewrite in Java an runs with Tomcat. So, to run BASE in Tomcat you must switch to BASE 2.0.

BASE 2.0 inherently supports Affymetrix but the import plug-in for Ayffymetrix data is still to be written. This plug-in will appear as a part of the next milestone for BASE 2.0 (http://lev.thep.lu.se/trac/base/roadmap).

More information on BASE 2.0 is available at http://base.thep.lu.se/base2/


Longfei Yu wrote:

I am wondering if anybody tried to install BASE system under Tomcat?

I have done more implementation based on the BASE2.17, and it will support the Affymetrix experiment. I have added some more tables in the original database, so that the new system can extract the data from EXP, CEL, CHP file, and the user also can download all of them and DAT files for their experiment.

However, the new implementation is based on Java technology, and I run the Affymetrix part under Tomcat, and the original BASE under apache. But, I want to merge them together, and put them all under Tomcat.

I want to know if anybody did that successfully? If I want to run BASE2.17 under tomcat, what I need to do? Reinstall the BASE, or just copy the corresponding folds to Tomcat? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,


Jari Häkkinen, PhD
Complex Systems Division                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Theoretical Physics               phone: +46 (0)46 2229347
Lund University                                 fax:   +46 (0)46 2229686
Sölvegatan 14a, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden          http://www.thep.lu.se

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