Chad Matsalla wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm using base-2.14.0 and I'm trying to use the Raw Bioassay Importer.
> I get the error:
> Error: Item not found: RawDataType[id=5] on line 2 in file
> 'batchimport-rba.txt': "WG0001.1" 1 "Ge...
> I searched the base site and found this:
> This is great but what can I do for now? I'm a bit confused as to where
> in the MySQL database I can find what BASE wants. I looked in your
> sample file here:
> and I see that you used 'genepix'. I use Genepix as well.
> Can you tell me where to look up the id base wants? A select statement
> or the table name would be great.

Raw data types are not stored in the database. Look in the
raw-data-types.xml configuration file. It should be located in the
WEB-INF/classes folder. For more information check the documentation:


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