Le 18/01/2010 11:02, Nicklas Nordborg a écrit :
On 2010-01-18 10:31, Gildas Le Corguillé wrote:

Thanks for that, I didn't see this option but I meet two problems after
that :
   - If I delete my platform and create it again with 2 channels, Base
doesn't change the number of channel until I change the "External ID"
nimblegen ->  nimblegen2.
I am not sure I understand what you mean with this. Neither the
"External ID" nor the number channels for a platform can be changed.

   - Despite this new platform, I obtain the same message : Too many
labeled extracts: 2 (1 expected)

Any ideas ?
The platform for an experiment can't be changed. You need to create a
new experiment using the new two-channel platform.


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   I am not sure I understand what you mean with this. Neither the
   "External ID" nor the number channels for a platform can be changed.
Arg ... my English :P

So, when I created the new platform, I wanted to keep the External ID from a former deleted platform and change the number of channel. But Base kept the old parameters and the new platform still have the same number of channel than the previous one.
So, I changed on the new platform, the External ID and I works !

Is it clearer ?

   The platform for an experiment can't be changed. You need to create a
   new experiment using the new two-channel platform.
When I deleted the mono-channel platform, I had to deleted all related items: Array designs, Array batches, Array slides, Hybridizations, Scanc, Raw bioassays and Experiments.... Then I restarted from the Arrays designs -> Arrays batches -> Array slides ... On my new experiment overview, the new platform is correctly refers at the Raw bioassay level and at the Array design level.

Ouf ... I have difficulties to explain in French ... so in English.

My last optional question is: do you think that it's a problem for the tab2mage export ?
It seems to process without any trouble and the export look good.

Thanks for Base, thanks for this community and thanks for your patience.

Best regards


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