Hi all,

[mods please delete the mail I sent from my gmail account, or add me with
that account but with no delivery, thank]

Just upgraded from 2->3 and now trying out the NGS feaures.  Quick question
about GTF import for array designs...

When doing array design->import the importer is complaining:

"Error: A line must have at least 9 columns, at line: 1"
stack trace below
(using GTF reporter map importer (version 3.2.5-dev))

The same error came up when we first created the array design (because I
checked the "validate files" box.

I know the first line has fewer columns because it has some # commented

so in the importer configuration I configured the "Ignore" field like
this:  ^#.*

But still the same error...

Even if I set Default error handling = skip it's the same.  Seems to be
something deeper than the usual tab delimited importer parser settings.

I guess we should make a new GTF file with no comments but I just wanted to
check if this was the intended behaviour?

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