Dear Cerstin,

thanks for your e-mail, and the detailed information on your use case.

> To make inspection of results easier, I added ft:mark. A collection with
> only a dozen of texts of about 71 MB with full text index for German,
> optimized, etc. works quite well. However, the example query needs more than
> 9s, which is rather slow.

First of all, it might be interesting to hear what the query compiler
does. Have you looked at the QueryInfo panel to check out if the
full-text index is applied? If yes, you should find something like..

- ...
- applying full-text index
- ... the info panel.

Another hint: to enable index optimizations, your query...

> //(p|l) [text() contains text "Korb geben" using stemming using language
> "de"]

..may have to be rewritten as follows:

  //*[text() contains text "Korb geben"][self::p or self::l]

Please note that the available main memory shouldn't make a big
difference. During the execution of a query, you can click on the
memory indicator in the lower right corner of the GUI in order to get
some feedback how much memory is currently needed.

Feel free to ask for more,
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