On 09.05.2012, at 15:52, jida...@jidanni.org wrote:

> How do I prevent BaseX from insisting on adding these attributes?
> <a shape="rect" 
> <br clear="none">
> What more do I need to tell it?
> declare option db:parser "html";
> declare option db:htmlopt "method=html,nons=true";
> declare option output:method "html";
> declare option output:version "4.01";
> declare option output:doctype-public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN";
> declare option output:doctype-system "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd";;
> declare option output:include-content-type "yes";
> Doesn't it know that those are invalid attributes in 4.01,
> and although I appreciate BaseX's effort in making my life more
> wonderful, perhaps there is a way to get it to discourage itself from
> all attributes adding assistance maybe?

It's not clear to me, what you are trying to achieve.
What attributes is BaseX adding to what?

Please post a small snippet or example, so that we are able to test the problem.


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