Thanks, this was helpful. It's on our list:

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Stefan Sechelmann
<> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> thank you for looking into this. The test is run from an ant target  that uses
> exec to run a standalone basex instance:
>         <target name="DGD Bibtex test suite" depends="DGD build backend">
>           <exec executable="basex/bin/basex" dir="${build-backend-path}" 
> outputproperty="xqunit_bibtex_out" failonerror="true" logerror="true">
>             <arg 
> value="${build-backend-path}/restxq-test/ajax/bibtex-parser-tests.xq"/>
>             <arg 
> value="${build-backend-path}/restxq-test/ajax/literature-tests.xq"/>
>           </exec>
>           <echo level="info" taskname="xqunit">${xqunit_bibtex_out}</echo>
>           <condition property="xquery_unit_failure" value="true" else="false">
>             <or>
>               <contains string="${xqunit_bibtex_out}" substring="failure 
> line="/>
>               <contains string="${xqunit_bibtex_out}" substring="error 
> line="/>
>             </or>
>           </condition>
>           <fail if="${xquery_unit_failure}" message="${xqunit_bibtex_out}"/>
>         </target>
> The file bibtex-parser-tests.xq is nothing special:
> import module namespace bibparse = 'http://www...
> import module namespace data = 'http://www...
> declare namespace dgd = 'http://www....
> declare namespace bibtex = 'http://...
> declare default element namespace 'http://...
> declare
> %unit:test
> function local:test-inline-function() {
>  let $f := function($x) {$x+1}
>  return unit:assert-equals( $f(5), 6)
> };
> ... other tests ...
> unit:test()
> Best regards
> Stefan
> Stefan Sechelmann
> DFG-Forschungszentrum Matheon
> Mathematik für Schlüsseltechnologien
> Technische Universität Berlin
> Sekretariat MA 8-3                      Tel. 030/314 29 486
> Straße des 17. Juni 136         Fax  030/314 79 282
> 10623 Berlin                  
> Am 21.03.2014 um 12:01 schrieb Christian Grün <>:
>> Thanks for trying. How do you run your test?
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Stefan Sechelmann
>> <> wrote:
>>> I truied, it does not work:
>>>     [copy] Copying 21 files to 
>>> /Users/sechel/workspace/dgdgallery/build/backend/data
>>> DGD Bibtex test suite:
>>>     [exec] Improper use? Potential bug? Your feedback is welcome:
>>>     [exec] Contact:
>>>     [exec] Version: BaseX 8.0 beta e30d942
>>>     [exec] Java: Oracle Corporation, 1.8.0-ea
>>>     [exec] OS: Mac OS X, x86_64
>>>     [exec] Stack Trace:
>>>     [exec] java.lang.ClassCastException: 
>>> org.basex.query.value.type.AtomType cannot be cast to 
>>> org.basex.query.value.type.FuncType
>>>     [exec]     at org.basex.query.func.Closure.item(
>>>     [exec]     at org.basex.query.func.Closure.value(
>>>     [exec]     at org.basex.query.QueryContext.value(
>>>     [exec]     at org.basex.query.gflwor.Let$
>>>     [exec]     at org.basex.query.gflwor.GFLWOR$
>>> Stefan Sechelmann
>>> DFG-Forschungszentrum Matheon
>>> Mathematik für Schlüsseltechnologien
>>> Technische Universität Berlin
>>> Sekretariat MA 8-3                      Tel. 030/314 29 486
>>> Straße des 17. Juni 136         Fax  030/314 79 282
>>> 10623 Berlin                  
>>> Am 20.03.2014 um 18:35 schrieb Jan Techter <>:
>>>> declare
>>>> %unit:test
>>>> function local:test-inline-function() {
>>>> let $f := function($x) {$x+1}
>>>> return unit:assert-equals( $f(5), 6)
>>>> };
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