I've been playing a bit with BaseX the last couple of days - and very excited about the product while doing so - but now I am having problems outputting JSON from a PHP script.

I have this XQuery:

declare option output:method "json";
declare option output:json "format=jsonml";
<json type="object">
for $user in 

In the BaseX GUI this yields:

["json", {"type":"object"},

Which is what I expected after reading about the JSONML format. (Not too happy with that format, but that's another story).

Running exactly the same XQuery form within a PHP script however yields this:

<json  type="object">

(script is attached; note that the $ signs have been escaped there so that PHP will not try to evaluate them)

In other words, the result is being output as XML with an enclosing <json> root tag, not as JSON.

What is happening here? And how can I have BaseX return JSON from PHP?

Paul Swennenhuis

 * This example shows how queries can be executed in an iterative manner.
 * Documentation: http://basex.org/api
 * (C) BaseX Team 2005-11, BSD License

try {
  // create session
  $session = new Session("localhost", 1984, "admin", "a33445");
  try {
    // create query instance
    // make sure to escape $ signs!
 $input = <<<XQ
declare option output:json "format=jsonml";
<json type="object">
for \$user in 


//print $input;

    $query = $session->query($input);
    // bind variable
    //$query->bind("$name", "number");
    print $query->execute()."\n";
    // close query instance
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    // print exception
    print $e->getMessage();
  // close session
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // print exception
  print $e->getMessage();

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