Which I do like, but I am wondering if the issues outweigh the advantages.


On 12 August 2015 at 16:24, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>

> >  In the DBA query window
> > let $c := client:connect('localhost', 1984, 'admin', 'admin')
> > return client:query($c, "2+ 2")
> >
> > will block the basex server for all http users and  basexclient (s). Sad,
> > but I can see why this might be :-),
> > Another way to achieve this is on the dba login page enter
> "localhost:1984"
> > as a remote host.
> Interestingly, I just ran your examples, and I didn't manage to get
> the server blocked. This is what I was doing:
> * downloading the latest ZIP snapshot
> * starting basexhttp
> * visiting http://localhost:8984/dba
>   * entering localhost:1984 as remote host, or
>   * running your query in the DBA query window
> * running a query via basexclient
> What did you do differently?
> Christian

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