I forgot to give this precision, we use the 7.9 version on this server.

Le 01/01/1970 01:00,  a écrit :
Hello Dirk,
We use a BaseX script (.xbs) with a list of REPLACE.
We try to investigate this point if this is reproducable or not.
If I find this problem again, I take a copy of the collection before to
delete her.

Thank you for answer.

Le 03/09/2015 09:52, Dirk Kirsten a écrit :
Hello Marc,

sure, a replace should lead to a true replace, i.e. the old data will be
dropped. So this sounds like a bug, but it is difficult to replicate
from what you describe.

Do you think it would be possible to make the issue reproducable, maybe
also with a smaller data set? Also, how exactly do you add documents or
do you also do any queries and maybe other updating queries?


On 09/02/2015 05:36 PM, Marc wrote:
I have a remark about the size of the files of a collection.
We do a lot of updates (REPLACE) with an attributes index but without
a text index.
I see that the size of the files grows up in the time we arrive until
30Go until the limit of the filessytems quota.
When I drop the collection and recreate it from the last version of
the files the size was only 6Go.

We will redo the test with the time, but I just want to know if the
program clears the disk use when he does a REPLACE?


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