
Anyone on the list coming to Amsterdam the 6th of November? We may have some 
beers together.

I will (finally) be presenting on the Origami templating library. I'm still 
working on it over on Github (in the unstable branch). After a pause in 
development it was almost completely rewritten. I intend to cut a new release 
just before the conference.

Here's the anouncement I made for the conference website.

XQuery 3.1 is still a candidate for recommendation by the W3C. Nevertheless 
there are already various implementations ready for use today. The introduction 
of maps and arrays, and the availability of functional weaponry such as fold 
and apply may change the way you write XQuery applications. You can still wield 
the trusty weapons of XPath and the FLWOR expression while, at the same time, 
adopting a more functional style of programming.

Origami is an ongoing exploration of templating in XQuery and it makes heavy 
use of this functional style. It started with a quest for a more XSLT-like 
transformation capability and recently took a nice turn with the adoption of a 
flavor of micro-XML, with a heavy reliance on maps and arrays. Origami's 
unfolding design tries to honour principles of simplicity and composability. 
With Origami I aim to decomplect, or disentangle, several aspects common to 
templating problems and offer them in a powerful library using a couple of 
simple abstractions.

With some practical code examples I will demonstrate how to use Origami to 
implement different templating styles. 


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