Hi Rob,

If your xq file imports the xqm file, this is expected behavior: As
long as an imported module is not valid, the importing module cannot
be parsed either. If the xq file can be successfully run, just send me
the two files, and I’ll have a closer look.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Rob Stapper <r.stap...@lijbrandt.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found that when a directory contains both a program- and a module-file
> with the same name but with different extensions ( .xq and .xqm)
> both file are marked as erroneous in the project-view if only one file, on
> my case the module-file, is indeed erroneous and the other file is ok.
> Regards,
> Rob Stapper
> PS. It is my unittest-directory that contains both program- and
> module-files.

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