Sorry, I was a little bit irritated by the given example ...
Now, with ft:tokens('db') I'll get mostly what I want, if I'm NOT using 
stemming when creating the fulltext-index.

But its sorted by length of the tokens, inside length it's alphanumeric:
<entry count="142">A</entry>
<entry count="132">B</entry>
<entry count="54">C</entry>
<entry count="2">zusammenknäuelte</entry>
<entry count="2">zusammenschütten</entry>
<entry count="2">zusammenzubringen</entry>

So far, I can't figure out a way to do a alphanumeric sorting of the complete 
list by content of the entry, the token itself. Something like this:
<entry count="xxx">a</entry>
<entry count="xxx">ab</entry>
<entry count="xxx">Äußerlichkeiten</entry>
<entry count="xxx">z</entry>
<entry count="xxx">zu</entry>
<entry count="2">zusammenzubringen</entry>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Günter

> Am 13.01.2016 um 00:03 schrieb Christian Grün <>:
> What did you try so far?
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 9:49 PM, kleist <> wrote:
>> Perhaps I don't get it, that command gives me the number of a specific term? 
>> But I need the list of all terms (with number of occurences).
>> Best, Günter
>>> Am 12.01.2016 um 21:39 schrieb Christian Grün <>:
>>>> is there any way to get the complete list of the full-text-index?
>>> Yes there is [1]. Check out all other functions in the Full-Text
>>> Module; they may help you in various other situations.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Christian
>>> [1]
>>> With the GUI I only get the first part:
>>>> - Names:
>>>> - Size: 5 MB
>>>> - Entries: 23401
>>>> und   22662x
>>>> der   20595x
>>>> ....
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Günter

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