Hello Marco,

sorry for letting you wait. It sound like a bug in the DBA. However, I
was unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please clarify what you did?

I tried (using 8.4.4.):
 - Created a new database and added a resource
 - I replaced this resource using db:replace within the DBA.
 - Checked the database tab (i.e. http://localhost:8984/dba/databases),
but the "resources" column did show the correct count of 1.


On 05/11/2016 02:42 PM, Marco Lettere wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a single resource in a db. I perform several replace operations
> on that resource. The dba interface shows an increasing number of
> resources available in the db according to the number of replace
> operations performed.
> To get the count of resources back to 1 I need to optimize the database.
> When opening the database the visible content is however correct
> (showing the only one resource).
> Feels like dba is somehow lagging the information displayed with
> respect to the db content ....
> Regards,
> Marco.

Dirk Kirsten, BaseX GmbH, http://basexgmbh.de
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