Hi, I wonder what is the status of schema validation in BaseX? I have a Java web service that is used to validate some schemas, which is using xerces2 to validate XML files. I want to transfer some of this work to my XQuery scripts in BaseX, so I can minimize the bandwidth on large files (the XML files are being retrieved from a remote repository). I did try to put xercesImpl.java on the lib directory, the validation does run, but I'm not sure about these two things

1) Is the new version of xerces being used, or is the Java default one being used? Maybe it's possible to add a function to return the library being used?

2) My Java service (which is using xerces2) is running the validation in about 5 seconds, the same validation takes 32 seconds in BaseX 8.5.1

Any ideas, tips etc are welcome

Thanks, George.

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