Hi Bram,

well, all of them. Only one application at a given time can listen to a
single (TCP-)port, sou otherwise you will get an "address already in
use" error.

Cheers, Dirk

On 08/31/2016 12:35 PM, Bram Vanroy wrote:
> Hi all
> I am trying to initialise multiple server on a single machine. This
> will probably be possibly by listening to different ports. The
> question that I have is that I am not sure which values to change in
> the .basex file. Candidates are:
> Which of these cannot be the same when running a BaseX server on the
> same machine?
> Thank you in advance
> Bram Vanroy

Dirk Kirsten, BaseX GmbH, http://basexgmbh.de
|-- Firmensitz: Blarerstrasse 56, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
|   Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Phone: 0049 7531 91 68 276, Fax: 0049 7531 20 05 22

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