Hello again,
at the end I managed to reproduce the issue we are currently facing with xquery:invoke in 8.5.3 (and also in latest snapshot).

Please consider the three queries [1,2,3]. The store [2] into a subdirectory src of the directory containing [1] and store [3] into a directory src2 of src.
You should get the error message [4].
If instead you change the parameter of xquery:invoke to "src/src2/q2.xqm" it works. Seems like the reference for static-base-uri in [2] remains the one of [1] even if it is reported by static-base-uri() to be correctly "/home/user/src/q1.xqm"(I've double-checked this). Sorry it's not clear to me whether this is meant to be the correct behaviour ...
Thanks for any help,

[1] q.xqm
import module namespace q1="urn:q1" at "src/q1.xqm";


[2] q1.xqm
module namespace q1 = "urn:q1";

declare function q1:f(){

[3] q2.xqm
1 = 1

Stopped at /home/user/src/q1.xqm, 4/16:
[FODC0002] Resource 'src2/q2.xqm' does not exist.

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