Dear BaseX developers,

I noticed in example 3 under that csv:parse() with
option { 'format': 'map' } returns a map of maps, with hardcoded row

map {
    1: map {
        "City": "Newton",
        "Name": "John"
    2: map {
        "City": "Oldtown",
        "Name": "Jack"

Using maps, which are unordered, to represent something ordered like
rows in a CSV, hardcoded row numbers are necessary for reassembling
the map in document order.  I assume this was a necessary approach
when the module was developed in the map-only world of XQuery 3.0.
Now that 3.1 supports arrays, might an array of maps be a closer fit
for CSV parsing?

array {
    map {
        "City": "Newton",
        "Name": "John"
    map {
        "City": "Oldtown",
        "Name": "Jack"

I'm also curious, do you know of any efforts to create an EXPath spec
for CSV?  Putting spec and CSV in the same sentence is dangerous,
since CSV is a notoriously under-specified format: "The CSV file
format is not standardized" (see  But perhaps
there is a common enough need for CSV parsing that such a spec would
benefit the community?  I thought I'd start by asking here, since
BaseX's seems to be the most developed (or only?) CSV module in

Then there's the question of how to approach implementations of such a
spec.  While XQuery is probably capable of parsing and serializing
small enough CSV, CSVs do get large and naive processing with XQuery
would tend to run into memory issues (as I found with xqjson).  This
means implementations would tend to write in a lower-level language.
eXist, for example, uses Jackson for fn:parse-json().  I see Jackson
has a CSV extension too:  Any thoughts on
the suitability of XQuery for the task?


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