Thanks for the explanation. 
I’ll keep an eye out for the fix but I can easily work round this issue for now.



> On 16 Sep 2016, at 17:15, Christian Grün <> wrote:
> Thanks for the hints. I can finally agree it’s a bug ;) I have added a
> GitHub issue for it [1]. The problem only occurs with "database nodes"
> (which are the ones created via "fn:doc", "fetch:xml", or by applying
> transformations via "copy $c := ..." or "... update {}".
> This looks to me like a generall weakness of the EXPath spec in
> general: A namespace declaration will always be valid for all
> descendant nodes of an element. As it doesn’t make sense to keep the
> http namespace when supplying bodies via http:send-request, we are
> explicitly removing the namespace from the body node before sending it
> out. As there is no such functionality in XQuery like “removing
> namespaces”, this operation is not well-defined, and it’s probably the
> reason for this bug.
> I hope I’ll find time to fix this soon.
> Cheers,
> Christian
> [1]
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Christian Grün
> <> wrote:
>> Hm. I can’t reproduce it..
>> 1. I stored your module as 'example.xqm' in the WEBPATH directory
>> 2. I started basexhttp
>> 3. I created an empty 'exampledb' database in the GUI and closed it again
>> 4. I ran your script in the GUI (after rewriting fetch:xml(...) with 
>> <example/>)
>> 5. I ran db:open('exambledb')
>> Did I do something wrong?
>> By the way, if possible, remove everything from your examples that
>> required manual post-processing. Could you please check the following
>> code and tell me how the returned XML looks like?
>> _ example.xqm ___________
>>  module namespace example = 'http://localhost/example';
>>  declare
>>    %rest:path("/example")
>>    %rest:POST("{$body}")
>>  function example:post($body) {
>>    $body
>>  };
>> _ test.xqm ___________
>>  http:send-request(
>>    <http:request href="http://localhost:8984/example"; method='POST'>
>>      <http:body media-type='text/xml'>
>>        <example/>
>>      </http:body>
>>    </http:request>
>>  )[2]
>> On my system, I get "<example/>".
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 2:34 PM, chrisis <> wrote:
>>> Hi Christian
>>> Sorry, chopped that out of the real thing in a bit of a hurry and made a bit
>>> of a mess of it.
>>> Here's something slightly closer to a SSCE.
>>> Module under WEBPATH
>>> xquery version "3.1" encoding "utf-8";
>>> module namespace example = 'http://localhost/example';
>>> declare
>>> %rest:path("/example/post/{$fname}")
>>> %rest:POST("{$body}")
>>> %updating
>>> function example:post($fname, $body as document-node())
>>> {db:replace('exampledb', '/post/'||$fname, $body) };
>>> Script run in BaseX GUI
>>> let $file := 'C:\temp\xq\example.xml'
>>> let $fname := 'example.xml'
>>> let $targetrestxqproc := 'http://localhost:8984/example/post/'
>>> let $body := fetch:xml($file, map { 'chop': true() })
>>> return http:send-request(<http:request href="{$targetrestxqproc||$fname}"
>>> method='POST'>
>>>    <http:body media-type='text/xml'>{$body}</http:body>
>>>    </http:request>)
>>> Result in exampledb is
>>> <example xmlns:http=""/>

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