Hi Christian --

I was after a better, or at least less convoluted, way to add the UID
attribute nodes.  Your code snippet works in place, and faster; thank you!

If anyone happens to have a good general case structure-but-not-position
document compare algorithm lying around, I'd be delighted to hear about it.
(It can't be just XSD because there's a pile of WSDL documents, too.  And
who knows what in the future.)


On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>

> > Is there a better way to do this?
> Your query could probably be shortened as follows:
>   let $new := db:open($newName) update {
>     .//* ! (insert node attribute UID { generate-id() } into .)
>   }
>   ...
> It does the same as your original query. But maybe you were asking for
> a better solution to compare documents against each other?

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