
as an IntelliJ IDEA user I'm only using IDEA and XQuery plugin to write the XQuery scripts, then execute them in BaseX gui while navigating the same directory. I'm using the plugin that is mentioned in the wiki page for syntax highlighting etc. We are using BaseX processor as a web service so on my local environment I only use the BaseX gui. Most of the time you need BaseX gui anyway, in order to run some quick Xpath expressions or retrieve parts of data from an XML file, so I don't bother setting up a server / client mode. I also have to change the inspections when setting up the plugin, because of a bug currently present that uses 100% cpu when inspecting unused variables in large XQuery files.

One thing that would be interesting, is to have debugging support in BaseX. I think recently Grzegorz added debugging support for Saxon.


On 02/28/2017 11:18 PM, Bridger Dyson-Smith wrote:
Hi all,

I'm hoping to get some feedback (and potential collaborators) on a wiki page I created[1] that attempts to help a user get started with IDEA, XQuery, and BaseX.

However!, I'm feeling a bit uncertain about my limited experience with workflows, tooling, and IDEA set up, and so I'm hoping that those of you on this list who use BaseX and IDEA might be willing to pass along feedback about the linked documentation.

Particularly, how are you interacting with BaseX both as a processor and as client/server? How are you starting and stopping your server? What pieces of IDEA are you leveraging to make working with XQuery and BaseX a(n even) better experience?

Thank you in advance for your time and trouble.

[1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Integrating_IntelliJ_IDEA

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