Sorry for the delayed response...

I was aware of the empty collection and default (but maybe not clear on it)...

This query works:

String myXQueryString ="for $doc in collection() where matches(document-uri($doc), 
'" + DocID +
        "') return $doc";

return (new XQuery(myXQueryString).execute(context));

Note that it too uses an empty collection clause, but always returns a document. So why do I need to specify a collection in this case? (It also confirms that I do have some documents stored in the database to actually query.)


On 3/9/2017 3:02 AM, Michael Seiferle wrote:
Hi Aaron,

welcome to the list!

For BaseX to „open“ a collection you need to address it by URI; in your case no URI is present, so BaseX loads the „default collection“ which is set to the currently opened database (I guess you have none open :—)):

So usually you want to address your collection by name:
for $foo in collection(‚myFoos‘)
return $foo

Where each $foo resembles a document inside your collection.
In BaseX a collection usually resembles a database, so your first step would be:

- Create a database that either is a single document or contains multiple documents

So in SQL lingo I’d say you are basically missing your FROM ‚…‘ :-)

A good read might be: it shows the various ways of creating, returning and querying documents / collections :-)

Am 09.03.2017 um 00:30 schrieb Aaron Weber < <>>:

Newbie alert.

I'm trying to get my feet wet with BaseX, and in doing so, am trying to understand XQuery and how to apply it to a database full of documents (not just a single document that is typically queried).

I am using Java and can post my code, but with a LocalSession, and a query, the following produces 0 results.

For $doc in collection() return $doc

I realize there's no "where", and in the sql world that would match all. Maybe not in XQuery?

Obviously just a test query, but I need to start somewhere. :-)

Thanks for any help!

Michael Seiferle, BaseX GmbH,
|-- Firmensitz: Blarerstrasse 56, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
|   Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Fon: +49 7531 916 82 77

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