Am 01.06.2017 um 23:19 schrieb Maximilian Gärber:

when setting

   %output:cdata-section-elements("KSP DESCRIPTION")

on a restxq request, I get

                   ]]><p>Zur Aktivierung des...</p><![CDATA[
                      <li>außerordentlich hoher Biotingehalt (3
Millionen µg pro kg)</li>
                      <li>gut bioverfügbares Zinksulfat</li>
                      <li>ausgewogenes Biotin-Zink-Verhältnis</li>

I would expect everything inside the DESCRIPTION element to be part of
CDATA. But CDATA ends before the first child element

You would need to make sure the element contains text content, for instance by serializing the child elements first with the XPath/XQuery 3.0 serialize function.

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