Hi all

I'm running into an issue with many databases. I.e. one server instance with millions of databases. When creating all of these, I found that the more databases are included on the instance, the slower further database generation got. For instance, I could see in the logs that in the first < 10.000 databases the creation happened smoothly with around 50ms per file of 1-4kB. However, when having more and more databases for this server instance, things got very slow: for an XML file of 1-4kB the logs show ~600ms. This is terribly slow, as you can imagine.

At first I thought something was wrong with my hardware, but I checked on another system and the same issues arises. Then I thought maybe Java is doing something strange, so I figured I'd reboot and see if that cleared some stuff up. But now when I try to launch 'basex' or 'basexserver', I get the following message:

    Could not reserve enough space for 1433600KB object heap

I googled the issue, and it was suggested that I added a JAVA option to my system's variable (I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, BaseX 8.6.4) indicating the memory it could use. I set that to 2048MB. But still the same issue persists.

I have contacted the list before, with issues of generating millions of database with the same server instance, and this seems another one related to the problem. I am no expert AT ALL, but isn't it possible there is some sort of micro memory leak that only becomes apparent when creating an amount of databases of this magnitude? If not, other ideas are welcome as well. At least on how to get rid of the Java error mentioned above.

Kind regards

Bram Vanroy

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