The use of String Constructor does not avoid the global read lock, but I
can see with some changes and a suitable set of conventions this could be
made to work.


<job id="job13" type="ScheduledXQuery" state="cached" user="admin"
duration="PT0.007S" reads="(global)" writes="(none)">count(

On 20 September 2017 at 23:28, Christian Grün <>

> > bxcode:inline-variables($xqcode-uri) as xs:string
> > @returns xquery code that is the source code from $xqcode-uri but with
> > inlining "constant" variables and operations applied
> >
> > This could be used as a preprocessor.
> > Is this something that could be created from the bits and pieces in the
> > current BaseX Java code?
> This reminds me of the discussion with Omar [1]: There is currently no
> way to generate a correct string representation for compiled code. In
> the GUI Info View, we output a string representation of the optimized
> query. In simple cases, this string is a valid and equivalent to the
> original query string, but it’s fairly easy to generate invalid
> results.
> If it’s an option for you to generate code in XQuery, something like
> the following could be done:
> _ bxcode.xqm _______
>   module namespace bxcode = 'bxcode';
>   declare function bxcode:bind-external-variables(
>     $uri   as xs:string,
>     $vars  as map(xs:string, xs:string)
>   ) as xs:string {
>     let $xqcode := unparsed-text($uri)
>     return fold-left(
>       map:keys($vars), $xqcode, function($string, $name) {
>         let $value := replace($vars($name), ']``', '`{"]``"}`', 'q')
>         return $string
>         => replace('declare variable $' || $name || ' external;', '', 'q')
>         => replace('$' || $name, '``[' || $value || ']``', 'q')
>       }
>     )
>   };
> _ example.xq _______
>  declare variable $db external;
>  count(collection($db))
> _ run-bxcode.xq _______
>   import module namespace bxcode = 'bxcode' at 'bxcode.xqm';
>   bxcode:bind-external-variables('query.xq', map { 'db': 'BEP' })
> _ output _______
>   count(collection(``[BEP]``))
> Cheers,
> Christian
> [1]

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