So indeed usedmemory says it's about 3M. If that's the heap size, does this mean the memory is hogged in the JVM?
That's why I tried to use

-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:+UseSerialGC

it says here that the serial GC does return memory to the system... It would sure be a nice thing to have, since the server is idle 23 hours a day. I thought about restarting the server, but there can be async requests coming in from different clients, so a restart mechanism would probably involve an external sync mechanism.

On 04.11.2017 19:40, Christian Grün wrote:
No, actually the memory is not freed even after CREATE DB, I was watching
another java process; it does vary a little at import end (to about 800M).
So this problem seems to be common.
This behavior is common indeed, and it is not related to BaseX, but to
the Java virtual machine in general. Garbage collection is a very
complex process, and allocated memory won’t automatically be freed
after a memory consuming thread has finised, but only if it is
actually required by another thread.

Stopped at , 1/29:
Unknown command: Q{java:java.lang.System}gc(). Try HELP.
The string needs to be run as XQuery expression (see my initial mail).
If you want to run it on command-line, you will need to use the XQUERY
command. Find more information on BaseX commands and command-line
processing in our Wiki [1,2].

The following query will give you some idea of the current memory consumption:

   (1 to 3) ! Q{java:java.lang.System}gc(),

It returns the value computed via [3] (see [4] as well). The result is
just a rough guess (it’s generally difficult to compute something like
the “real” memory consumption of a JVM), but it might suffice to
detect real memory leaks. If it turns out that this query yields a
really large value (e.g. > 1gb) after creating a database and adding a
zip file, then we might need to do something about it.

Hope this helps,



On 04.11.2017 19:02, Christian Grün wrote:

Fine. One more question: How do you measure the "memory leak" on
command-line, and are you sure that this value is comparable to the value
that is shown in the bottom bar of the BaseX GUI?

Am 04.11.2017 5:58 nachm. schrieb "Dinu Marina" <>:
Indeed, I use the create function from the GUI, I just assumed it's the
same 2 separate operations.

Indeed, with CREATE DB it doesn't get out of memory at 1G. And it also
gets GC'ed and returned to system afterwards with no additional
intervention, after CREATE DB memory shrinks immediately back to ~30M.

So confirmed, huge memory usage and memory "leak" (or whatever it is) is
linked to ADD only.


On 04.11.2017 18:46, Christian Grün wrote:
Hi Dinu,

yes, I have downloaded the file.

Just one more question:

2) using basexclient:

CHECK somedb
ADD /path/to/
If you use the GUI, do you really add your zip file to an existing
database, or do you specify it as initial input when creating a new
database? The latter option is definitely more efficient, and the
command-line equivalent would be

    CREATE DB somedb /path/to/

For adding resources to existing databases, enabling ADDCACHE can help



Out of Main Memory.

To reproduce 2), start server with -Xmx2048m, repeat operations, then
db, close client, check server memory usage.


On 04.11.2017 18:18, Christian Grün wrote:
The fact is, the GUI runs with no problem with -Xmx512M to do the same
thing, while basexclient fails without -Xmx2048M.
That’s surprising indeed – mostly because I would have expected the
BaseX client to always consume a small and constant amount of memory
(the BaseX server instance should be the process to consume all the
memory). I did some quick tests with large zipped input, but I failed
to reproduce the behavior you described. Feel free to provide me with
a step-by-step guide.

I will try that, thanks, but shouldn't this be the case automatically?
I assume BaseX does free references to data structures, at least to a
dropped DB?
Absolutely. Anything that’s reproducible is welcome.

On 04.11.2017 18:00, Christian Grün wrote:
Hi Dinu,

Question 1:
Memory consumption of the BaseX GUI is similar as on command-line,
it may be due to garbage collection that some memory will be freed.
How do you add documents outside the GUI?

Question 2:
If a certain amount of memory is reserved by Java’s virtual machine,
it may still be used by other applications on your system (provided
that the memory can be freed by garbage collection). You can enforce
some GC calls by running the following XQuery expression (this should
only be done for testing purposes):

      (1 to 5) ! Q{java:java.lang.System}gc()


After the data is extracted, it's no longer needed and I DROP the
connection is closed. But memory (the huge 2G mentioned above) is
returned to the system.

The script I use to run BaseX is:

export BASEX_JVM="-Xmx2048m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10
-XX:+UseSerialGC -Dorg.basex.LOG=false
BaseX/bin/basexserver -S

So basically I tried specifying MaxHeapFreeRatio and SerialGC for
it's no improvement and it doesn't help so I assume the memory isn't
in java... is there a way to free up the memory once operations
(like mentioned above, "complete" means created DB is dropped,
closed, waiting for another batch to start over).


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