According to this:

Around Line 202-218

BaseX needs to turn on the capability per line 217-281 (I suggest by
default) or allow users to turn it on.

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Christian Grün <>

> The Geo Module is basically a light-weight wrapper for the JTS Topology
> Suite: geo:srid calls getSRID() (see [1]). Maybe you could ask on the jts
> mailing list and give us some feedback?
> [1]
> basex-api/src/main/java/org/expath/ns/
> Am 14.11.2017 12:23 vorm. schrieb "E. Wray Johnson" <
> I am sorry, I did not make myself clear.  It always returns 0.  There is a
> way to set the spatial reference.  Typically with the srsName attribute on
> the geometry.  In this example that would be the gml:Polygon element.
> However, none of the valid values is recognized by JTS. It is as if the
> srsName attribute is not getting to JTS.
> On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Christian Grün <
> > wrote:
>> > I can’t get the geo:srid() to work.  I have tried many combinations of
>> @srsName values.  Can anyone provide examples?
>> Try e.g. this:
>>   import module namespace geo='';
>>   declare namespace gml='';
>>   geo:srid(
>>     <gml:Polygon>
>>       <outerboundaryIs>
>>         <gml:LinearRing>
>>           <coordinates>-150,50 -150,60 -125,60 -125,50
>> -150,50</coordinates>
>>         </gml:LinearRing>
>>       </outerboundaryIs>
>>     </gml:Polygon>
>>   )

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